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How To Bring Your Cooling Costs Down

In the heat of the summer, sometimes you feel as if you have to choose between your budget and your comfort. It doesn’t have to be scorching both inside and out and you don’t have to break the bank. Below, you’ll find some ways to help you cut costs and keep cool all summer long.

Close Your Windows And Keep Them Covered

Look around your home. If your windows are letting a lot of light in, they’re also letting a lot of warmth in the home. You can easily cut the extra heat that’s being let in from the outside by shielding your windows and using insulated or darkening window treatments. This can be especially useful if you’re not home during the day. This simple measure can help to keep your home cooler. 

When The Temperatures Dip, Take Advantage

Many regions throughout the United States have warm temperatures during the day but cool down considerably in the evening hours. You can use natural cooling and just open your windows in order to bring the temperature of the house down. The best part is that fresh air is free!  

Install Ceiling Fans

Ceiling fans are useful the whole year through when it comes to circulating air. If the air is cooler, but stagnant, putting a ceiling fan on can make a huge difference.  

Turn Off The Oven

Try to avoid using any kind of appliances that generate heat when there’s a heat wave. Don’t use your oven to cook. You can either grill, use a slow cooker, or make no-cook meals on these days. Even running the dryer can increase the temperature of your home. If you must do laundry, make sure the area is well-ventilated with some type of fan.  

Use The AC Only When You’re Home

You can save on energy costs by simply limiting your use of air conditioning to only when you’re home. If the temperature becomes unbearable then use the AC, but try to use the techniques mentioned above before you run the air conditioning.

Get A Programmable Thermostat

Modern technology has provided us with thermostats that can be set to a certain temperature. The AC system will only turn on when the temperature reaches a certain level. You could even get a thermostat that allows you to control the temperature in your home remotely.       


Have An Energy Audit Performed

Many energy companies will provide you with an energy audit for little or no cost. This helps to identify any areas of your home where you can do better as far as energy conservation and lessening the utility bills your home incurs. Since heating and cooling takes up a good majority of your home’s utility costs, this can be a very worthwhile measure to take in saving money during the summer months and the whole year through.   



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